Talk About Similes to make the story more accessible.
Explain to students that a simile is a comparison of two things using the word like or as. By saying that the goal felt “as big as a barn door” to Oren, the author means that the goal felt really big.
Point out this other simile from the story (in Part 3):
“The wind had been knocked out of him like a piece of Bubble Wrap stomped on by a boot.”
Next, invite students to create their own similes by completing these sentences:
- My cat’s hair is as soft as . . .
- With all the furniture moved out, the room felt as big as . . .
- Stepping onto the hot sand felt like . . .
- When my puppy gets excited, he spins around like . . .
- The bubbles rose into the air, shining like . . .
Looking for more ELL support? Download our full lesson plan and scroll to p. 5 to find questions that will help your ELLs respond to the text at the level that’s right for them.