Teach portmanteau words to help with decoding.
After reading the article, tell students that smog is a portmanteau word. Explain that a portmanteau word (also called a blend) is a combination of two or more words or parts of words, and it expresses a combination of its parts. The word smog is a blend of the words smoke and fog, just as smog itself is a blend of smoke and fog.
Explain that blends are different from straightforward compound words like bedroom and contractions like didn’t. Blends are often created to describe something new.
Say these portmanteau words aloud to students and see if they can figure out what words were blended to make them:
- brunch (breakfast and lunch)
- frenemy (friend and enemy)
- Labradoodle (Labrador and poodle)
- podcast (iPod and broadcast)
- romcom (romance and comedy)
- spork (spoon and fork)
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