Build Background Knowledge (5 minutes)
Have students prepare to read the article by watching our engaging video “Helping a Hero.” The video will introduce students to David Crenshaw and his dog Doc, who feature prominently in the article.
Preview Text Features (15 minutes)
Guide students to locate the article in their magazines or at Action Online. Then preview the text features by asking the following questions:
- Read the article’s title and subtitle (the text beneath the title). Check the Vocabulary box for the meaning of the word veterans. Who are the heroes mentioned in the article’s title? The heroes mentioned are people who have been in the military and have suffered from PTSD.
- What is the purpose of the sidebar “At Your Service”? The purpose of the sidebar is to describe a number of ways in which dogs are able to help humans.
Preview Vocabulary (10 minutes)
- Point out the vocabulary box. Read the words (Middle East, combat, veterans, startled, physical impairment) aloud and discuss their definitions.
- Play the Vocabulary Slideshow.
Make a Plan for Reading
Before students start to read, walk them through a reading plan:
- Set a purpose for reading by telling students that the article “Help for Heroes” will tell them about a serious mental health problem that can affect people who have been in a war, and about how animals can help these people heal.
- Point out the Pause and Think boxes. Tell students they can check their understanding of what they’ve read by answering these questions.
- Point out the activity at the end of the article, and tell students they will complete it after reading. Encourage them to briefly scan the questions and to keep them in mind as they read.