Conduct a survey.
Remember that green circle that says 3 out of 4 people play video games? Find out if that’s true in your life! Make a list of 40 people you know (friends, relatives, neighbors, teachers) and ask them if they play. You can do this by:
- calling or texting each person
- sending a message on social media
- asking in person (if you can do it safely)
Once you have your answers, count them up. Are 30 of your 40 people (the same as 3 out of 4) gamers? Is it more? Is it less? Share your results with your class.
(Note: You don’t have to stick to that one question. You can make your survey more interesting by asking additional questions. For people who play video games, you might ask what their favorite game is. For those who don’t play, you might ask what they do for fun. Or you can think of some other questions of your own. Have fun!)